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Great Britain & the EU Vorverhandlungen und Skepsis

Von: Catherina Manniegel

Stand: 19.09.2023

Island mentality: Britain always considered herself a nation apart from continental Europe.
Imperial hangover: At its height, Britain was the largest empire in history. With the beginning of the 20th century Britain started to lose its colonies.

During WW I Britain faced a crumbling Empire and a growing nationalism throughout Europe.
During WW 2 Britain experiences her closeness to the USA and problems with Europe.

Britain didn't support supranationality: This is why she neither joined the Coal and Steel Union nor signed the Treaty of Rome.
French rejection: In 1963 and 1967 Charles de Gaulle vetoes Great Britain joining the European community.
Disappointment: After joining the European Community in 1973, Britain experienced a huge economic crisis.

Britain's EU scepticism

no supranationaliy: no to Coal & Steel Union and Treaty of Rome
French rejection: 1963/1967 veto (Charles de Gaulle)
disappointment: 1973 accession, economic crisis in the UK