alpha Lernen - Englisch

Small talk Water cooler conversations & gossip

Von: André Goerschel

Stand: 20.09.2023

Relax: no serious subjects

The office kitchen is a very important place for people to relax a little, so don't come up with subjects that are too serious.

Topics: light, show interest

Choose light topics and show interest.

Yourself: positive, breezy

When talking about yourself, stay positive and breezy, no moaning.

Stay out of it! "I'm not sure what you mean ...?"

The golden rule in dealing with office gossip is: Stay out of it - I'm not sure what you mean ...?

Taboo topics: religion, politics, illness, sex, money

Taboo topics are religion, politics, illness, sex and money.

Get away: change the subject, excuse

Get away by changing the subject or using an excuse.