Telekolleg - Englisch


Telekolleg Englisch 47 America - People and Places: Florida

Das vierte Trimester - "Englisch - Landeskunde Amerika: "America - People and Places" - führt uns in den Bundesstaat Florida, den wir in der 47. Lektion näher kennenlernen.

Stand: 10.04.2019 | Archiv

Im Mittelpunkt des 4. Trimesters stehen Interviews mit Personen aus unterschiedlichsten Berufszweigen und in verschiedensten Lebenssituationen.

Unsere wichtigsten Interviewpartner in Florida

William Schwartz is a lieutenant in the Miami Police Department. The Department runs a law enforcement operation based on preventive community policing with particular emphasis on trying to get younger people at risk involved in social activities.Policing in Miami takes place at a personal level. Police officers take responsibility for the neighborhoods that they patrol and make sure that, as far as possible, any problem they encounter is tackled at an individual level.

Pablo Canton is the administrator for the Neighborhood Enhancement Team (NET) in East Little Havanna, an area of Miami. Pablo' job involves trying to solve problems in the community: problems with garbage, with public works, with vagrants, and with the police, for example. Pablo feels NET has made a lot of progress in recent years but he knows there is still a lot to do. One of the projects he is working on at the moment is to instruct local residents, many from whom come from countries in Central America, about the US laws.

Tom and Barbara Dwyer run a fruit plantation in Miami called Knollwood Groves. The farm has been designed for young people. It specializes in citrus fruits but there are also animals - including alligators and racoons - a simulated Indian village and a shop where people can buy marmalades and candies made from home-grown produce.